Thursday, April 9, 2009

The blame game

It's very easy to slip into a whiny tone when looking at all the nuttiness going on in the halls of power. There's natural human tendency to look for causes when things go wrong and the easiest targets for blame are other people. I've done my share of flailing the economists and politicians who sleepwalked us into our present mess. The solutions they seem to be proposing are simply more of the same, or more metaphorically (from Dmitri Orlov) "this new compulsion sweeping the land to shoot oneself in the foot while simultaneously setting one's hair on fire."

But it is important to remember that underlying everything are titanic forces beyond human control. From an ABC story which caught my eye this morning
Towns in rural Australia are at risk of dying off as drought and Federal Government policy takes a toll on agriculture and forces a "mass exodus" in some regions.
But the government does not control the climate. The role of politics is and always will be the distribution of scarce resources among competing claims. But the game is set by nature. The climate is changing. The amazing bonanza of cheap oil and the power it has given us is a geological fact, not a political one. We must look beyond the blame game and see what nature has in store for us if we want to survive.


aangel said...


Hi, Lloyd, great interview on ABC radio, especially your infectious laugh!

I completely agree with getting ready as part of a community, but it is tough going, people don't want to there the message. I'm a co-founder of Post Carbon Marin (Marin County, Northern California). Your experience is not rare, as a messenger I've been shot many, many times, but mostly people just ignore the message. Kathy McMahon at is seeing that a lot.

I've also released a new video called Preparing for a Post Peak Life that I'd love to get your feedback on.

Keep up the great work,

Preparing for a Post Peak Life

Lloyd Morcom said...

Thanks for your kind words André and for the link to your excellent video. I've added it to my links in the right-hand column.

I've been thinking quite a lot about which tack to take when raising awareness of the issues. There are three basic levels of society you're dealing with. First is family and friends, then community and then the world. The paradox is that it is easier (because of the internet) to speak to the world than it is to speak to one's own family and friends in a lot of cases — certainly that's been so for me.

However I am making some good progress in working through all this at the moment and your mentioning of it makes me think now is the time to look at the issue in some depth, in terms of what works and what is just banging your head against the wall.